Welcome To Pandeglang City Blog, by : Admin(ibeqz69)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The 136th Anniversary Pandeglang

Finally, the long-awaited day arrived, the Pandeglang city was 136th anniversary. Hooray.
Welcoming today, the agenda will be carried on are as follows:

Government Activities:

* Special Plenary Session

(Thursday, April 1, 2010, 08:00 AM GMT) in the Parliament Building Pandeglang with the agenda of the Special Session Day Pandeglang.

* Peak Memorial Day Ceremony

(Thursday, April 1, 2010 At 09:00 GMT) at the Square of Pandeglang, acting as Ceremony Inspector Pandeglang Regent H. Erwan Kurtubi Which was followed by: Submission SK PNS (executor of the Regional Employment Agency Pandeglang) and Attractions column Rifle (320 Yonif Rhino White and Pandeglang Kodim 0601)

* Debonair

(Thursday, April 1, 2010 At 12.00 pm) at Regency Hall Country House Pandeglang. Executing activities Pandeglang Anniversary Committee to-136.

* Review of the Development and Submission Exhibition Kiosk

(Thursday 1 - 10 April 2010 At 15:00 AM) Executive Committee Anniversary activities Pandeglang-136 to cooperate with the event organizer of CV.Arga Primary.

* Blood Donor Activities

(Wednesday, April 8, 2010) At 08:00 pm located at Kartini Building, implementing the activities of hospitals, Red Cross and the Health Department Pandeglang.

* Activities Cataract Surgery

(Saturday, April 10, 2010) At 08:00 pm at Blessing Hospital, executor of the Regional General Hospital BERKAH Pandeglang

* Giving Staple food

(Thursday, April 1, 2010) At 08:00 pm for a place to be determined later, the executor of Social Services, Manpower and Transmigration Pandeglang

* Lecture famous Dai

(Thursday, April 1, 2010) at 20:00 pm, held at Alun - alun Pandeglang, Pandeglang Anniversary Committee to-136

* Walking Casual

(Tuesday, April 6, 2010) at Alun - alun Pandeglang at 08.00 am, Executive Committee of the Anniversary Pandeglang-136

* Performances Rampak drum

(Friday and Saturday, 2 to 3 April 2010) held at the Bale Culture, executor of Tourism and Culture Pandeglang.

* Performances Saman, Pencak Silat and Debus

(Sunday, 4 April 2010) located in Bale Culture, executor of Tourism and Culture Pandeglang.

* Performances Ubrug

(Monday, April 5, 2010) located in Bale Culture, executor of Tourism and Culture Pandeglang.

* Band Performances

(Tuesday 6 April 2010) located in Bale Culture, executor of Tourism and Culture Pandeglang.

* Performances Qosidah

(Wednesday, April 7, 2010) located in Bale Culture, executor of Tourism and Culture Pandeglang.

* Marionette Puppet Performances

(Saturday, April 10, 2010) At 20:00 pm held at the Bale Culture, implementing activities Culture and Tourism Official Pandeglang.

* Submission Help Seed Rice, Soybean, Corn, Durian and Vegetables

(Kkamis, April 1, 2010) located Alun - alun Pandeglang, Implementing the Office of Agriculture and Plantation Pandeglang

* Procession Ceremony

(Thursday, April 1, 2010) Parliament Building - Podium Alun - alun, implementing activities of CV.Arga Primary Event Organizer.

* Gebyar Dangdut

(Friday, 2 April 2010) At 20:00 pm, Located at Alun - alun Pandeglang, Executor of the activities of CV.Arga Primary Event Organizer.

* Coloring and Drawing Contest

(Sunday, April 4, 2010) At 10:00 pm held at the Alun - alun Pandeglang, Executor of the activities of CV.Arga Primary Event Organizer.

* Book Review

Monday, April 5, 2010 At 10:00 pm at the Square of Pandeglang, Executor of the activities of CV.Arga Primary Event Organizer.

Business Meeting

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010 at Room II op Pandeglang Regional Secretariat, the implementing activities of CV.Arga Primary Event Organizer.

* Tasyakuran

Thursday, April 1st, 2010 at 12:00 AM Pandeglang Regency Hall Executive Committee Anniversary Pandeglang to-136


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Freestyle communities in Pandeglang

This time I will discuss about the above title, in Pandeglang freestyle community is beginning to crawl into football, ranging from small children to the adults. Usual place of use for exercise is in the plaza Pandeglang. Usually they practice at 16:00 pm until late evening.

A friend of mine, he called doni is one free styler football, when I asked him, "why do you like the free style soccer?", He answered with a simple one: "It is my hobby and I enjoy doing".

I remember one thing, it hobby to take an important role in our lives. For instance, someone who can sing since childhood, he eventually became a singer, someone who since childhood could play the guitar, eventually he became a guitarist.

Upshot: if we have the "talent", then we have to channel it, not only on quiet course, later on "talent" we will disappear, and eventually we'll regret it: D ...

I hope this post can be useful for all readers. Bye.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Community group lovers Pandeglang city on facebook

I created this community about a month ago, and there are about 30 new members until this moment, hahaha. In this community about the event which includes the title forward. This community is open to anyone, so anyone can join this community.

For the future, I (as a founder and board) will contain a column expression for which has become a member of course. I mean, in the column expression can include all members of any of the expression.

For instance, about the hobby of music, sports, or anything else. In this case, anyone allowed to "link / include whatever", just do not content "adult", hahha.

Actually, I do not know what to write anymore. So in essence, I want all the bloggers who are honorable, entered into Pandeglang community members. I'll see you again in my next post: D ...

Weekend in the city Pandeglang

Well, it looks like a weekend in Pandeglang quite exciting, because a lot of places we can visit here, theme parks, beaches, mountains, recreation parks, or just a walk around the city, well, it is a good idea too.
Most people Pandeglang spent the weekend with around the city using a motorcycle, both with a lover, or with loved ones. The question is, Why do people not to visit tourist attractions here?

Ok, I will discuss this issue, the first possibility is that the people here do not have the money to go (: D). or the second possibility is that the resorts here is less satisfactory. Actually, both these factors are true (: D), but the most dominating is the first possibility.

In my opinion, the resorts here pretty good and satisfying, which is also affordable by the citizens here. Only, the people here lack the desire to visit beach resorts, mountain, where the Recreational, etc..

But still, people here have always loved everything in Pandeglang. Another time, visiting the town of Pandeglang ok ...


Friday, March 26, 2010

Water crisis in Pandeglang

Memorial day in the water that falls on March 22 last date, the subscription theme is "conserve water use and avoid illegal logging", the expected savings and avoid the use of water logging due to declining water availability, many people are not aware of the importance of water availability , so use water offhand. Water can be angry when people do not take good care of, for example when the floods or droughts.

I still regret to lack awareness of these communities in terms of water, water is one important component in life, just imagine if the world had no more clean water, what should we do?

Just now, many areas are water crisis, especially in hot areas. for example in southern Pandeglang currently under a state water crisis, such as in Pagelaran and Pamatang, which annually of clean water crisis, I am very sorry for the residents there.

Therefore all needed public awareness about water, there is need for intervention from the government to evaluate the water problem in our area.

But, from me to the government, I am very grateful for the government's performance especially the taps, which has indirectly helped the areas of water shortage, thanks taps.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pandeglang city Birthdays

Hooray! Pandeglang birthday was coming soon, of course, Pandeglang local governments, will give fresh treats again, usually, this anniversary event held in downtown Pandeglang, namely in the square.

There will be exhibitions, ranging from the booths of each district, (meaning that each stand will bring something unique from each district of the represented). But the celebration might be different this year.
Composition of the event in order to enliven the City's birthday Pandeglang may be like this:

1. Will begin with a ceremony in the middle of town square, which will be attended by all citizens must have (without exception).

2. In fact, not be missed, other events such as drum band, Paskibra, and many more.

3. Followed by individual events or the family, such as buying clothes, pants, etc, or just look around the booths, which will enliven the city's birthday Pandeglang.

It'll be fun at all.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pandeglang city profile

Pandeglang District, is a district in Banten province, Indonesia. Its capital is Pandeglang. District borders the north of Serang, Lebak District in the East, and the Indonesian Ocean in the west and south. Area also includes Panaitan Island (in the west, separated by the Strait Panaitan), and a number of small islands in the Indian Ocean, including the Island and Island Deli Tinjil. Ujung Kulon peninsula is the westernmost tip of Java island, where there are wildlife animal shelter one-horned rhino is now almost extinct.

Pandeglang District economic centers are located in two towns and the City Pandeglang Labuan. Most Pandeglang District area is low land and undulating terrain. Regions south are a series of mountains. River which flows among Ciliman River which flows to the west, and Cibaliung River which flows to the south.

In addition, in Pandeglang there are a lot of potential, ranging from tourist objects, such as mountains, beach, spa, swimming pools, etc. The majority of Pandeglang, profess Islam, therefore, nicknamed Pandeglang is city student (kota santri).


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