Welcome To Pandeglang City Blog, by : Admin(ibeqz69)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Community group lovers Pandeglang city on facebook

I created this community about a month ago, and there are about 30 new members until this moment, hahaha. In this community about the event which includes the title forward. This community is open to anyone, so anyone can join this community.

For the future, I (as a founder and board) will contain a column expression for which has become a member of course. I mean, in the column expression can include all members of any of the expression.

For instance, about the hobby of music, sports, or anything else. In this case, anyone allowed to "link / include whatever", just do not content "adult", hahha.

Actually, I do not know what to write anymore. So in essence, I want all the bloggers who are honorable, entered into Pandeglang community members. I'll see you again in my next post: D ...



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