Welcome To Pandeglang City Blog, by : Admin(ibeqz69)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Water crisis in Pandeglang

Memorial day in the water that falls on March 22 last date, the subscription theme is "conserve water use and avoid illegal logging", the expected savings and avoid the use of water logging due to declining water availability, many people are not aware of the importance of water availability , so use water offhand. Water can be angry when people do not take good care of, for example when the floods or droughts.

I still regret to lack awareness of these communities in terms of water, water is one important component in life, just imagine if the world had no more clean water, what should we do?

Just now, many areas are water crisis, especially in hot areas. for example in southern Pandeglang currently under a state water crisis, such as in Pagelaran and Pamatang, which annually of clean water crisis, I am very sorry for the residents there.

Therefore all needed public awareness about water, there is need for intervention from the government to evaluate the water problem in our area.

But, from me to the government, I am very grateful for the government's performance especially the taps, which has indirectly helped the areas of water shortage, thanks taps.


  1. gan, ane komen yah gan...
    sesama pemula harus saling bantu..
    betul gan?
    komen dan jitak ads ane yah gan...

  2. wah bahasa bule nich sobat, kurang ngerti nich heehheheheh

  3. hemmm....
    krisis memang menyedihkan...
    krisis uang...
    krisis makanan...

    jg termasuk krisis air hihihihi
    menyiksa hikz :(

  4. Oh anahnya sampai tandus kawan.kasihan penduduknya

  5. your blog very good !! I like it

  6. Water crisis in the south of Pandeglang? Is this really happening or just a joke? I just can't believe it, because I think it's still raining season, isn't it?

  7. Hmmm.. Menyedihkan sekali yah sob.. Tapi tetep harus semangat yah membangun Pandeglang. Jangan Menyerah seperti lagunya D Massive.. KEEP STRONG :)

  8. so sad bout water crisis at there..

  9. Hm.... kalau perangkat desa tidak bisa mengadadakan sumur bor, ya pak bupati/bupati di minati proposal, atau mungkin minta proposal ke AQUA he he he :P serem gan......

  10. water crisis? it's saddening :(

  11. it's so suck . . .
    what's goverment act . . .?
    help them . . . .!!!!

  12. wah tahnya samapai segitu, g bisa ngebayangin ddech

    d tunggu coment dan folow baliknya jika berkenan

  13. water crisis ...... oh my god ... !

  14. sungguh sedih mendengar kbar seperti ini, saudara kita yang disana mendapat bencana kekeringan. semoga cepat terselesaikan maslah ini dan diberi ketabahan.


  15. wah memang tambah parah di indonesia...turut prihatin

  16. aku Harap anda jangan menyempatkan dulu, beriklan seperti di atas, karena Domain anda masih BLOGSPOT. karena OM guguel Tidak suka seperti ini, JIKA anda Mulai HOSTING berbayar, silahkan SAJA

  17. Thanks for your visit. Wish you a happy weekend!



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